How to Avoid Tax Crime
Date posted: Thursday, May 9, 2013
We’re often impressed by people’s creativity when it comes to attempting to reduce their tax fees. The ATO however, is not always entertained and some individuals and businesses who take a DIY tax reduction approach can find themselves in trouble with the law. A DIY approach to tax reduction can be disastrous and costly. There is no substitute for professional advice. No matter how good you are at making investment decisions, a superior level of taxation management expertise is recommended, as the consequences without can be costly. There are perfectly legal ways to reduce your tax and keep yourself and your business out of the tax-crime-woods. As Pakenham’s leading taxation management hub, we’re able to provide solutions in these basic tax strategy areas:
- Earn tax-free income
- Tax advantage of tax credits
- Defer taxes
- Maximise your tax deductions
- Reduce your tax rate
- Shift Income to others
- Take advantage of your tax exemptions
Be sure to give us a call to make an appointment, for more information on tax saving strategies.